Let’s go blue for World Children’s Day!

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Today, we celebrate World Children’s Day and the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child signed in 1989. Childhood is very often synonymous with joy, learning, sharing, laughing and loving. Unfortunately, there are still too many children in the world who don’t have the childhood that they deserve. So, for a fairer future for all the children in the world, join us and take part in Unicef’s #GoBlue campaign on the occasion of World Children’s Day!



Childhood, memories that remain forever

Childhood is what allow us to build ourselves as a person, to know better who we are, to discover how we are. Childhood are memories that we sometimes remember with nostalgia but above all with joy. Childhood is a key stage in life. At Moneytrans, we have made a list of all the things that we love and remember from our childhood:

  • Jump on the bed and have a pillow fight with sisters and brothers on holidays or Sunday mornings.
  • Eat freshly prepared pancakes for breakfast on the Three Kings Day.
  • The smell of cakes and hot chocolate.
  • Family gatherings in the countryside and picnics prepared with mother’s love.
  • The ice cream that mom used to buy us as a reward after going to the doctor.
  • The excursions to the park to learn how to ride a bicycle.
  • Mom’s homemade cakes on my birthday and fights to see who blew out the candles.
  • Secret visits to the kitchen to eat all the cookies without dad’s approval.
  • The nerves over Santa’s arrival, trying not to move from the bed so that he leaves us more gifts.
  • Dad’s hugs when I had nightmares.
  • Grandma’s kisses.
  • Our first pet.
  • The crazy stories of your grandfather.
  • The eagerly awaited reencounter with friends after summer.
  • That prank that ended without scolding.
  • Promises made to our best friends that, as incredible as it may seem, still last today!

Not all of us have the chance to have such beautiful memories of our childhood, and yet, we should all have them!


Children are the future

Celebrating World Children’s Day means acting to ensure that every child in the world has the same rights, the same access to health, education and safety. Since the signing of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the infant mortality rate has decreased considerably as well as the percentage of undernourished children and the number of people with access to safe drinking water has increased. However, some challenges still exist and there is an urgent need for action particularly on the topics of schooling, child marriages and access to primary resources.

Children are our future and many of them have understood this and have decided to get involved for a better future. This is the case of Yusra Mardini, the youngest UN ambassador who is involved in the refugee cause, Malala Yousafzai who, at only 17 years old received a Nobel Prize for her commitment to girl’s education in Pakistan or even Greta Thunberg who, at the age of 16, is facing world’s leaders to raise awareness about global warming.


All in blue with Millie Bobby Brown and UNICEF 

Today, let’s all wear blue to support UNICEF’s #GoBlue campaign! In a humorous presentation video, Millie Bobby Brown, star the of the TV show Stranger Things and youngest UNICEF’s ambassador, decides to call on famous friends such as Orlando Bloom, Lilly Singh, Liam Neeson and Dua Lipa to encourage everyone to dress in blue and sign the petition in support of the most vulnerable children!

Watch the video now! !


At Moneytrans, we are very familiar with the #BlueSpirit! We have decided to join the campaign and we invite you to do the same. Because together, we can build a better future for our children because they are our future!






At Moneytrans, we are also committed to the education of children around the world! This is cause has been at the heart of our “Smile School Congo” project, an initiative that support the creation of a school in Lingwala in the Democratic Republic of Congo. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR COMMITMENTS!

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The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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