Start your own business!
Moneytrans joins forces with Nantik Lum to help you make your business idea a reality.
Do you want to own your future? It’s not easy to start your own business, that’s why we provide you with access to support and advice from entrepreneurship experts to guarantee your success.
Your time is now
If you want to start your own business, Nantik Lum, with more than 15 years of experience in setting up businesses, will be by your side from start to finish, to guide you in your great adventure.
They work for the inclusive entrepreneurship of vulnerable groups at risk of social exclusion, thus contributing to financial, social and labour inclusion.
They provide support and services for those who are excluded from the traditional financial system.
If you want to create your company, the time is now and with Nantik Lum. You can make it happen!

Helping you to become an entrepreneur
Training, coaching and access to financing adapted to your needs.
Access to their online training platform.
Mentoring from their technical team
Benefit from this alliance now
40 online training courses
71 businesses created
Thanks to this alliance, we support residents of foreign origin in Spain who want to set up their own business through training, expert advice and access to financing.
Many people have already succeeded!
More than 568 people have been assisted by Nantik Lum and many of them have already made their project a reality!
"Nantik Lum provided us with extensive advice on all the legal issues involved in becoming self-employed and informed us of the requirements for the grants we wanted to apply for.
They believed in us and that increased our confidence, our commitment and our desire to do things better every day".
Violeta and NatalyLegal Mujeres Totem 
"We were new entrepreneurs in Spain. People who had already launched their businesses with Nantik Lum recommended them to us and since we met them they have supported us in everything: from creating our project and business plan to now that the company is up and running, they keep helping us".
Nathalie Olivo and Jesús PérezOwners Frutiven 
"Since I met Nantik Lum I have been on track with my business project. I am very grateful to the foundation for the opportunity they gave me. Without them it would not have been possible to achieve this dream".
Saymo GarcíaOwner of Ceviche Made in Perú 
Join the Smile Community and take advantage of our collaboration with Nantik Lum!
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