Welcome to the Moneytrans Website, whose use is governed by the present terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”). By accessing our website and by making use of the remittance service provided through it, you declare having acknowledged and agreeing to the present Terms of Use. We therefore recommend that you carefully read this document and that you refrain from using our website and services, if you disagree with the terms and conditions set out herein.

MONEYTRANS is the trading name of Moneytrans UK limited, a company incorporated under the laws of England and Whales, with company number 03245749. Our registered office is 179 Torridon Road, London, Catford, England, SE6 1RG. We are a Small Payment Institution authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to provide money remittance services in the United Kingdom, under the Payment Services Regulations 2017. Our FCA Reference number is 936525.

Moneytrans UK limited (hereinafter also referred to as « Moneytrans », “we”, “us” or ‘our”), and its affiliates are responsible for the development, the operation and the content published on the transactional website (the « Moneytrans Website » or « website »). The present Terms of Use apply to the use of the website and of the money remittance service made available to customers residing in the United Kingdom via the following URL: https://www.moneytrans.eu/united-kingdom/

These Terms of Use, together with our Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy form the agreement between MONEYTRANS and its website users (the “users”, “customers” or “you”/”your”). It is not a framework contract, but an agreement applying individually to each money transfer order placed through the website.

The contractual relationship is formed once Moneytrans has validated a new online remittance order and has confirmed its acceptance by way of notifying it to the website user, through the website.

These Terms of Use supersede all previous agreements entered into between Moneytrans and its customers. Its provisions apply without prejudice to any mandatory, legal or regulatory provisions that may also be applicable. The nullity of one or more provisions of the Terms of Use shall have no impact on the validity, scope or enforceability of any of the remaining provisions.

The Moneytrans website provides a secure online remittance platform, through which its registered users can initiate international money transfer orders. This online financial service (“remittance service” or “service”) is only intended to be used by individuals aged 18 years or over, who are legally residing in the United Kingdom. By making use of the service, you thus confirm meeting these two prerequisites and also commit to using the service strictly for private purposes. The information posted on the Moneytrans website is provided without any guarantee or liability on our part, except in the case of our gross or intentional negligence. It is only valid on the date of its posting, and we cannot guarantee its accuracy, absence of errors, completeness and/or timeliness. The financial information displayed on the website, including the exchange rates and the transaction fees are provided exclusively for information purposes and independently of any specific contractual and/or unilateral commitment entered into by us. They can in no case be considered as a recommendation or a direct offer for the sale and/or purchase of services, unless they are accompanied by a money transfer order validated by you. We takes all reasonable measures to provide accurate and up to date information on its website. We may modify, at any time and without prior notice, the features of the service made available on its website, or we may interrupt the access to all or to parts of the website, among other reasons to update its content.

To use the service, you must first register with the website by creating a user account (or “Moneytrans account” or “account”). This registration procedure requires that you provide us personal identification details such as: your full name, date of birth and address of residence, in addition to your contact details (e-mail and mobile phone number). By registering with the Moneytrans website, you also declare agreeing with the terms of our Privacy Policy, which determines how we process the personal data collected about you and use your contact details to communicate with you. A same customer may only hold one registered account. This means that we will cancel a duplicated account and merge it with your pre-existing account, where applicable. You must provide accurate and truthful information when setting up your Moneytrans account. You shall also be responsible for promptly updating any personal data previously provided to us, especially in case of changes relating to your address of residence, identity document, phone number and/or email address. We may ask you at any time from to provide us documents evidencing your identity, your address of residence and/or your source of funds. When prompted to do so by the website or by our Customer Support Service, you agree to providing us a digital copy of your valid identity document and/or of any other document that we may require to accept a new remittance order or to maintain your user account.

As part of the registration process, you will be invited to choose a combination of a username and a password, which will thereafter constitute your personal access codes to connect to your personal area on the website.

Such access codes are strictly personal and confidential. You are entirely responsible for their use and you must refrain from disclosing them to any third party. You should also refrain from storing your access code on your Internet browser, on your phone or any other device or piece of paper easily accessible by others. Our employees will never ask you to share with them your personal access codes, by phone or by e-mail. You should disregard and immediately report to us any situation whereby you have been requested to provide your personal access codes by phone, via email or a third-party website.

You may ask at any time to modify or to suppress your user account and/or personal access codes. You shall also immediately inform us in case you detected an unauthorised use of your access codes, or any other breach in the security of your account. We shall endeavour to promptly modify or revoke your personal access codes upon receiving your notification. Until then and except in the case of gross or intentional negligence by us, you shall be solely responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result for you, for us or for third-parties of any use, whether fraudulent or not, made of your personal access codes by a third-party.

Money transfer orders initiated via the Moneytrans website are subject to transaction fees, transaction limits, timelines and pay-out options, which vary depending on the country of destination of the funds. The specific conditions applicable to your order will be indicated once you have selected the amount to send, the country of destination of the funds, the pay-out location and the payment mode to your beneficiary.

An exchange rate also applies to orders paid in a foreign currency in the country of destination. In such cases, the amount of the transaction will be converted into the relevant foreign currency and the exact amount to be received by the beneficiary, in the foreign currency, will be indicated on the order.

In addition to the transaction fees, we may also keep the difference between the currency exchange rate we receive and the currency exchange rate we apply to money transfer orders placed via our website.

By validating a new money transfer order, you confirm agreeing to the conditions applicable to your order, as indicated in the summary of your transaction. You also declare that the identification data you provided about yourself and your beneficiary is accurate in all respects. We will not be responsible for any financial loss arising from your failure to do so, especially if you provided incorrect information about your beneficiary or their bank account details.


We will only process orders which have been duly paid. The payment is executed via the gateway of our partner providing us card payment acquisition services, to which you will be redirected to pay your order. Your payment will have to be authenticated using the “3D Secure” mode (two-factor identification). Moreover, we only accept payments using a debit or credit card issued by a British financial institution. Prepaid cards and cards issued from other countries than the UK are declined and will cause your order to be rejected.


Once we have validated your order, we will assign it a unique transaction code, which you should quote when communicating with us. Pending orders may be viewed under the section “My Transactions” of your account.


We guarantee the payment of the orders we have accepted within 15 minutes to 2 business days, depending on the country of destination of the funds, notwithstanding that orders received after 5 pm or on non-business days (Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays) will only be deemed accepted on the next business day.

You may cancel a pending order within 14 calendar days of its validation, provided that your beneficiary has not already received the funds. To cancel an order, you must log on to your Moneytrans account, locate the relevant order from the Section “My Transactions” and click on the “Cancel” button. You may also request the cancellation of a pending order by sending us an e-mail to: online.support@moneytrans.eu.

In the event that your cancellation request is due to a failure in the service we provide to you, we will refund you the total amount invoiced at the time of validating your order, transaction fees included. In all other cases, and provided again that the order has not been paid yet to your beneficiary, we will refund the amount charged at the time of placing your order, excluding the transaction fees, which shall remain due.

We may also cancel a payment order in case of a temporary unavailability of the service in the selected country of destination, of factual errors in your order or of a suspicion of an illegal use of the service. We will notify you the reason of such cancellations, except in cases where such a notification would be unlawful.

Orders that have not been paid to their designated beneficiary or that have not been cancelled by you will be automatically cancelled after 30 days, without prior notice. In such cases, our refund to you will exclude the transaction fees.

As a regulated financial institution, we are required by law to verify the identity of our customers and the lawful use made of our service. We may thus require from time to time to obtain additional information and documents from you, as deemed necessary to update our knowledge about you. When prompted to do so, you agree to providing us such information or documents as requested, and acknowledge that we may suspend or close your account if you fail to comply with such requests.

We reserve the right, at any time, to block a pending order, restrict your access to the website or terminate your account without notice in any of the following cases:

    • You failed to provide a valid identification document or provided incomplete or inaccurate identification data;
    • We have reasons to believe that you are in breach of applicable laws or regulations, or that you are using the service for abusive or illegal purposes;
    • We suspect that your account is used fraudulently, or its security is compromised;
    • You are in breach of any of the present Terms of use, or,
    • You otherwise cause -or risks causing- a prejudice to the integrity, the security and/or the reputation of our company or website.

We will notify you by e-mail of the suspension of your account as soon as possible, also indicating, where applicable, the actions we may need you to take to restore your account. In case of an account termination, we will notify you the reason for such a decision, unless such communication would be unlawful.

Except in the case of gross or intentional negligence on our part, we cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, which would result from your use of the website or from the impossibility to use it, whatever the reason. We will not be responsible, among others, for any direct or indirect damages caused by:

    1. The interruption of the access to the website and/or delays or losses in data transmission caused by disturbances in the communication systems that are not under our control (such as power cuts, interruptions in the phone lines or connection problems caused by your own Internet access provider or by a specific software installed on your computer);
    2. The unauthorised access and/or fraudulent use of the Internet website by a third-party, using your personal access codes, made possible by your own gross negligence (caused, for instance, by the inadequate protection of the confidentiality of your access codes against theft or computer hacking);
    3. The occurrence of any event of force majeure.

We will in no case be liable, beyond the amount charged to you, of any direct or indirect damages caused by the delay in the execution or by the partial or non-execution of a money transfer order placed via the website, regardless of whether such damages were caused by the negligence of our employees or of our foreign correspondents, or by any other reason.

We reserve all property and intellectual property rights on the Moneytrans website itself as well as on all its components, including but not limited to any text, illustration, layout and computer programs published on it or underlying it. You benefit from a non-exclusive license to use the Moneytrans website, which only gives you the right to access the contents of the website, consult the information posted on it and use the services provided online, in a lawful way and solely for private purposes. No property or other intellectual property right is by any means transferred to you, as the website user. Any extraction and/or reuse of all or parts of the contents of the Moneytrans website, in any form or by any means is strictly prohibited without our prior written consent. Similarly, any trade mark, label and logo posted on the Moneytrans website are ou

We are not responsible for any hypertext link created by third party websites onto the Moneytrans website, or inversely embedded on the Moneytrans website and leading to third-party websites, nor can we be held liable for the content of such third-party websites. The referred hyperlinks do not indicate in any way that we are affiliated or associated to the relevant third-party websites or that they are authorized to use our commercial name, logo or symbols. You expressly recognize that you shall be solely responsible for the use you might make of such third-party websites, and declare being fully aware that these websites are governed by other Terms and Conditions of Use than those applicable to the Moneytrans website.

Data of a personal nature which you communicate to us shall be processed in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy. By agreeing to the present Terms if Use, you also declare accepting the terms of our Privacy Policy, as well as of our Policy on the Use of Cookies.

For more information about the cookies generated by the Moneytrans website and stored on your computer, kindly refer to our Policy on Cookie Use.

If you have any complaint about our website, our service or a specific remittance order, you should convey it to us in written, by sending us an e-mail to onlinesupport@moneytrans.eu. Do remember to quote in your e-mail: your name, your customer code and, if applicable, the unique reference number (URN) of your pending order, in addition to describing the issue you are facing. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 business days, and will endeavour to respond to it within 15 business days, also conveying in our reply the actions we have taken to respond to the concerns raised in your notification. If you are not satisfied with our final reply, you may escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), which is an impartial body competent to settle complaints between financial institutions and customers based in the United Kingdom (www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk). The FOS is free of charge and can handle your complaint within 6 months of receiving our final reply. You can contact the FOS by e-mail: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk or phone: 0800 023 4 567.
The present Terms of Use apply as from 26/04/2021. We reserve the right to modify at any time these Terms of Use and shall notify you of any changes by posting a clear and easily accessible notice on the website. Future changes to the Terms of Use will apply two months after they have been published on the website. You have the right to refuse such changes, by informing us by e-mail, during the notice period, of your decision to close your account. If you fail to do so, you will be deemed to have accepted the amended Terms of Use. Under certain circumstances, we may amend the Terms and Conditions with immediate effect. This will only occur if the changes are required by law, they are related to the addition of new functionalities to the existing service, or they introduce terms that are more favorable to you. You may also ask at any time our Customer Support service to send you a copy of the updated Terms of Use, by e-mail or by post, to your land address.
These Terms of Use and any other provisions governing the contractual relationship between Moneytrans and its customers are governed by the English law. Only the courts of England and Whales may be competent to settle disputes between you and us, in connection with the use of our website and service.

Any communication relating to the Moneytrans website and online money transfer service should be sent by email to: onlinesupport@moneytrans.eu. You may also reach our Customer Support Service during business hours (on Mondays to Fridays, from 9 am to 5 pm) by phone: +447916810777.

Any communication containing personal data, questions, comments and/or suggestions, which is addressed to us shall be considered as non-confidential, subject to our duty of discretion and of your statutory rights to privacy. Pending respect of such rights, we shall have the right to reuse any communication received from you, within up to five years of their transmission.